Partiality Hurts Quotes

Favoritism and bias have long plagued humankind, undermining justice and equity in societies across history. Though we have made strides in establishing impartial systems meant to treat all people fairly, vestiges of partiality still influence our interpersonal dealings and corrode public trust in institutions. The sages of ages past recognized how even small acts of favoritism could metastasize into larger injustices that fracture communities and erode moral character. Their insightful words on partiality's poisonous effects remain disturbingly relevant today. 

In this article, we will explore thought-provoking quotes about how showing improper favor or bias towards someone can breed resentment, distort judgment, undermine integrity, and generally inflict harm - both to individuals and society as a whole. The selected sayings come from various luminaries ranging from ancient philosophers to modern civil rights leaders, touching on different facets of how preferential treatment based on personal attachments rather than merit and ethics creates its own trail of victims. By examining these quotes, we can reflect on the essential role impartiality plays in the unwritten social contract that enables diverse populations to cooperate in pursuit of common goals and a just order. Only by upholding fairness as an ideal can we hope to secure the trust and goodwill necessary for communities to thrive.

Partiality Hurts Quotes

"Bias is a sleeping giant; though it starts small, if gone unchecked it rises to warp even the straightest of minds."

"The sun's light shines equally on all; so must fairness grace the righteous judge, else shadows be cast on the halls of justice."

"Favoritism is a sweet but poisoned wine; though it brings temporary delight, it breeds lasting bitterness and inequity."

"If justice is a tapestry, impartiality is its strong and steady warp; favoritism but a loose and wayward weft which unravels the fabric entirely."

"The river flowing straight and true nurtures all lands equally with its life-giving waters, but divert its course based on selfish whims and one meadow thrives while ten fields starve."

"Favoritism erects a wall between us, brick by unjust brick until brother stands divided from brother and bitterness reigns where friendship once dwelt."

"To show prejudice is to see through a glass darkly, distorting shapes and shadows until the truth cowers unseen, obscured by ignorance."

"Justice wears a blindfold so she may weigh only the evidence, untainted by glancing upon rank or relation - an ideal we would do well to emulate."

"He who shows favor denies equity its due; though he bends to enrich one, many more are diminished and left bereft in the bargain."

Let me know if you need any additional original quotes! I'm happy to continue generating more on how partiality and favoritism can hurt.

"Bending the rules for some while enforcing them harshly upon others plants seeds of resentment that bear bitter fruit."

"Turning a blind eye to the faults of those we hold dear permits their vices to flourish and poison the well of justice."

"Judgments issued through the distorted lens of preference are sure to miss their mark, wounding the righteous while absolving the guilty."

"To shower favor upon one at the expense of the many is to elevate private gain above public good, corrupt the soul, and make a mockery of law."

"Those blinded by loyalty to kin and friend cannot discern right from wrong; from their crooked judgments spring boundless injustice."

"If justice be a distant star, impartiality is the sturdy ship that may yet carry us to her distant shores, despite the headwinds of favoritism."

"The righteous judge whose heart remains unclouded by ties of blood and alliance will reflect justice as still water reflects the moon."

"Those who would cultivate equity must rigorously uproot from their hearts any seeds of partiality that would twist their sight and deform their judgments."

"Favoring ones own interests or people corrupts the quest for impartial truth and crushes many innocents under the boot of injustice."

Partiality Hurts Quotes

"Partiality clouds the eyesight." - Arabic proverb

"Partiality is a frequent failing; it often happens that our liking is so powerfully excited in behalf of those we love, as to lead us to see them in a better light than the strict truth will warrant." - Hugh Blair 

"Nothing is more unjust than for a judge to pay attention to the interests and influence of the rich, while the poor, having no such recommendation, are treated with neglect and indifference." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

"The moment you start treating one person better than another for whatever the reason may be, then you are being unjust. There needs to be impartiality in life for true justice and fair treatment." 

"Favoritism is unjust and incompatible with the rule of law. Laws should clothe both the poorest and the richest naked. Justice must be blind." - Mehmet Murat ildan

"Partiality and prejudice twist our judgment. Impartiality helps us see clearly and make sound decisions. When we judge rightly, there can be justice."

It is part of justice never to do injustice." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

"Favor and disfavor are like light and shadow; wherever they fall they point out something.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Justice should not only be done but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done." - Lord Hewart

"True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice." - Martin Luther King Jr.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King Jr.

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." - Elie Wiesel

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." - Benjamin Franklin

“Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity.” - Alexander Solzhenitsyn

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” - Frederick Douglass

“The foundation of justice is good faith.” - Cicero

Compromising Integrity Quotes

"Integrity demands we adhere to rules and ethic alike for all people; to bend them but once is to dwell ever in the grey shadows between right and wrong."

"Those who compromise principles to accommodate someone today will find themselves slaves to caprice, with no guiding light to show the way through moral ambiguity."

Breeding Resentment Quotes

"To unjustly favor another is to plant seeds of resentment; though the crop may seem harmless at first, left untended it will grow to choke all goodwill."

"The robe of justice covered in stains of favoritism no longer appears righteous, but rather breeds resentment and rebellion in those made to feel the lash of inequity."

Distorting Judgment Quotes

"Emotions cloud the mind's eye as surely as cataracts veil the surgeon's sight; impartiality is the cure that brings our power of judgment into focus."

"The judge who allows bonds of personal loyalty to sway their gavel invites in injustice, for relationships distort our lens till strangers appear as enemies."

On Undermining Trust Quotes

"Favoritism poisons community, replacing the hopeful openness between neighbors with suspicious glances and closed doors."

"Trust is a treasured resource, hard-won yet easily lost; it frays when people cease to believe their interests are weighed equally against another's."

Favoritism Hurts Quotes

“Anything that suggests the possibility of favoritism really begins to work against the public confidence.” – Burt Greenwald

“Favoritism: Funny how so many people say it isn’t fair, but yet most of them are the 1st to display it and the 1st to deny it….”

“When favoritism speaks and works more than the skills or talent. This happens everywhere. Yes, just everywhere.” – Priyalaxmi’s Musings

“In many fields of the administration of interventionist measures, favoritism simply cannot be avoided.” – Ludwig von Mises

“In the world full of partiality, don’t hesitate, just grab the opportunity. Because no one will serve you the full dish, like your Mom.”

“Fate is never too generous even to its favorites. Rarely do the gods grant a mortal more than one immortal deed.” – Stefan Zweig

“If we treated everyone we meet with the same affection we bestow upon our favorite cat, they, too, would purr.” – Martin Delany

“I am a great foe of favoritism in public life, in private life, and even in the delicate relationship of an author to his works.” – Joseph Conrad

“And since “God shows personal favoritism to no man” (Galatians 2:6), nothing and no one can block my destiny.”- Deborah Smith Pegues

“If parasitism, favoritism, corruption, and greed for the unearned did not exist, a mixed economy would bring them into existence.” – Ayn Rand

“Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.” – Richard Nixon

“Don’t play favorites in your family, it destroys the core value of what family is all about. That’s why I love the fact in God’s Family we are all equal.”                                

“Everyone has their favorite criminals. Mine are pimps. We can all rob a bank; we can all sell drugs. Being a pimp is a whole other thing.” – Chris Rock

“Favoritism manifests itself in all departments of government, public and private. It is harder to avoid because it is so natural.” – Thomas Chandler Haliburton

“I’d love to have the kind of friend who would visit me before visiting a man. Otherwise, I know where I’m ranked, which is below him.” – Donna Lynn Hope

“Favoritism creates bitterness and hatred. Never try to be the favorite sibling of your parents but rather make your siblings proud of your parents.” – Amoako Theophilus

“It has to do with favoritism, of promotion, and transfers. If you are not a supporter of the chief, you’re an outcast. If you are a supporter of the chief, you’re in.” – Tenari Ma’afala

“Savages cling to a local god of one tribe or town. The broad ethics of Jesus were quickly narrowed to village theologies, which preach an election or favoritism.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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