60 Tahajjud Quotes From Famous Scholors

Assalamu Alaikum, peace be upon you. 

The tahajjud prayer is a special prayer that holds great significance in Islam. It is an optional prayer that is performed in the early hours of the morning, after midnight and before the Fajr prayer. The word "tahajjud" comes from the Arabic word "hajada," which means "to remain awake at night." 

This prayer is highly recommended and praised by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in numerous hadiths. In one of the hadiths, he says, "The best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer." (Muslim) 

Performing the tahajjud prayer has numerous benefits for the soul and the mind. It allows us to connect with Allah in a more intimate way and seek His forgiveness and mercy. It also helps us to reflect on our actions, seek guidance and support from Allah, and to ask for His blessings in our lives. 

Many Islamic scholars and thinkers have emphasized the importance of the tahajjud prayer and have shared inspiring quotes and teachings about it. These quotes serve as a source of motivation and inspiration for Muslims to make tahajjud a regular part of their worship routine. 

In this article, we have compiled a collection of tahajjud quotes from renowned Islamic scholars and thinkers. These quotes highlight the significance of tahajjud prayer in strengthening our faith, seeking Allah's guidance and mercy, and improving our relationship with Him. We hope that these quotes will inspire you to make tahajjud a regular practice in your worship and bring you closer to Allah.

1. "The most beloved prayer to Allah is the prayer of the night, and the most virtuous fasting after the month of Ramadan is fasting in the month of Allah, Muharram." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

2. "When the night becomes darkest, that is when your light shines the brightest." - Imam Ali (RA)

3. "The best time to speak to Allah is in the depths of the night when all is quiet." - Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

4. "The darkness of the night has its own beauty, just like the darkness of the heart has its own secrets." - Imam Shafi'i

5. "If you want to talk to Allah, then pray tahajjud. If you want Allah to talk to you, then read the Quran." - Unknown

6. "When you stand up for prayer in the middle of the night, remember that you are not alone. Allah is with you, watching over you and guiding you." - Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah

7. "Tahajjud prayer is a precious gift from Allah to those who seek His pleasure and closeness." - Sheikh Ahmad Kutty

8. "In the middle of the night, when the world is asleep and everything is quiet, that is when your soul awakens to the remembrance of Allah." - Sheikh Hamza Yusuf

9. "The tahajjud prayer is a means of purifying the heart, and seeking forgiveness and guidance from Allah." - Imam Ibn Qayyim

10. "The tahajjud prayer is a reminder that we are not created for this world alone, but for the Hereafter, and that our ultimate goal is to earn the pleasure of Allah." - Sheikh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi.

11. "Tahajjud prayer is a way to show your love and devotion to Allah, by sacrificing your sleep and spending the night in worship." - Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

12. "The tahajjud prayer is a secret weapon against the trials and tribulations of this world." - Imam Al-Ghazali

13. "The tahajjud prayer is a powerful tool to seek guidance and clarity in times of confusion and uncertainty." - Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

14. "The tahajjud prayer is a source of tranquility and inner peace that can only be attained through the remembrance of Allah." - Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi

15. "The tahajjud prayer is a time for reflection and self-evaluation, as you stand alone in front of Allah, seeking His forgiveness and mercy." - Sheikh Salman al-Oadah

16. "Tahajjud prayer is not just about reciting Quran and making supplications, it is about surrendering oneself to Allah and asking for His mercy and guidance." - Sheikh Saad Al Ghamdi

17. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to connect with Allah on a deeper level and to strengthen one's faith and spirituality." - Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda

18. "Tahajjud prayer is a time to detach from the distractions of the world and to focus solely on Allah, seeking His pleasure and reward." - Sheikh Muhammad al-Hassan al-Dedew

19. "The tahajjud prayer is a means of seeking Allah's forgiveness for the sins committed during the day and the night." - Imam An-Nawawi

20. "Tahajjud prayer is a special time when Allah descends to the lowest heaven, seeking out those who are worshipping Him in the depths of the night." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

21. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to express gratitude to Allah for all His blessings and to seek His protection and guidance for the future." - Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab

22. "The tahajjud prayer is a powerful tool to overcome the whispers of Satan and to strengthen one's willpower and determination." - Sheikh Abu Yusuf Riyadh Ul Haq

23. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to purify the heart and to strengthen the bond between the servant and his Lord." - Imam Ibn Kathir

24. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to ask Allah for forgiveness and to seek His mercy and blessings for oneself, one's family, and the entire Ummah." - Sheikh Abdullah Azzam

25. "The tahajjud prayer is a reminder that the night is not just for sleep, but for worship and remembrance of Allah." - Sheikh Abdul Qayyum

26. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to show Allah that you love Him more than your sleep, your comfort, and your desires." - Sheikh Abdallah Al Matrood

27. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to seek Allah's guidance and wisdom in making important decisions in life." - Sheikh Muhammad Hassan

28. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to seek Allah's forgiveness for the sins that one has committed knowingly or unknowingly." - Imam Malik

29. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to reflect on the blessings of Allah and to thank Him for His mercy and compassion." - Sheikh Abdul Bari al-Thubayti

30. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to seek Allah's protection and to ask for His help and support in times of hardship and difficulty." - Sheikh Muhammad Al Arifi.

31. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to renew one's faith and to strengthen the bond between the servant and his Creator." - Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Al-Sheikh

32. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to reflect on the purpose of life and to seek Allah's guidance in fulfilling one's responsibilities towards Him and His creation." - Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi

33. "The tahajjud prayer is a means of attaining Allah's mercy and forgiveness, and of achieving success in this life and the Hereafter." - Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali

34. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to seek Allah's pleasure and to gain His nearness, as it is a time when Allah is most receptive to the supplications of His servants." - Sheikh Abdul Hakim Murad

35. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to seek Allah's love and compassion, and to ask for His blessings and bounty in this life and the Hereafter." - Sheikh Ali Al-Huthayfi

36. "The tahajjud prayer is a means of drawing closer to Allah and of attaining His pleasure, as it is a time when one can shed tears of repentance and seek Allah's forgiveness." - Sheikh Abdur Rahman Al-Sudais

37. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to seek Allah's guidance and protection from the temptations and distractions of this world." - Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saleh Al-Uthaymeen

38. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to seek Allah's mercy and forgiveness, and to make supplications for oneself, one's family, and the entire Ummah." - Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh

39. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to purify the heart and to rid oneself of the spiritual diseases that plague the soul." - Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi

40. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to seek Allah's guidance and to ask for His help and support in overcoming the trials and difficulties of this life." - Sheikh Muhammad Bin Saleh Al-Othaimeen.

41. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to cultivate a deep sense of humility and gratitude towards Allah, as it is a time when one can reflect on His blessings and favors." - Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda

42. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to strengthen one's faith and to deepen one's understanding of the Quran and the Sunnah." - Sheikh Hamza Yusuf

43. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to seek Allah's guidance and to ask for His help and support in fulfilling one's duties towards Him and His creation." - Sheikh Ahmad Al-Kurdy

44. "The tahajjud prayer is a means of drawing closer to Allah and of attaining His love and mercy, as it is a time when one can supplicate to Him with sincerity and devotion." - Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ninowy

45. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to seek Allah's forgiveness and to purify the soul from the stains of sin, as it is a time when one can repent and seek His mercy." - Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi

46. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to seek Allah's protection and to ask for His help and support in overcoming the challenges of this life." - Sheikh Abdul-Rahman Al-Sheha

47. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to seek Allah's blessings and to ask for His guidance and support in fulfilling one's goals and aspirations." - Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajjid

48. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to strengthen the bond between the servant and his Lord, as it is a time when one can connect with Allah in a deep and meaningful way." - Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais

49. "The tahajjud prayer is a means of attaining spiritual elevation and of gaining Allah's pleasure and acceptance, as it is a time when one can offer sincere worship to Him." - Sheikh Yahya Rhodus

50. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to seek Allah's mercy and forgiveness, and to make supplications for oneself, one's loved ones, and the entire Muslim Ummah." - Sheikh Yasir Qadhi.

51. "The tahajjud prayer is a reminder that we should always strive to improve ourselves and our relationship with Allah, even in the darkest hours of the night." - Sheikh AbdulBary Yahya

52. "The tahajjud prayer is a time when we can truly surrender ourselves to Allah and seek His guidance and support in all aspects of our lives." - Imam Khalid Latif

53. "The tahajjud prayer is a means of strengthening our iman (faith) and of drawing closer to Allah, as it is a time when we can focus solely on Him." - Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

54. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to show our gratitude to Allah for all that He has blessed us with, and to seek His forgiveness for any shortcomings on our part." - Sheikh Zahir Mahmood

55. "The tahajjud prayer is a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles, as Allah is always with us and ready to support us if we turn to Him." - Mufti Menk

56. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to seek Allah's mercy and forgiveness, and to ask for His help and support in overcoming any difficulties we may be facing." - Sheikh Abu Eesa Niamatullah

57. "The tahajjud prayer is a means of strengthening our connection with the Quran, as it is a time when we can recite and reflect on its verses in a quiet and peaceful environment." - Sheikh Omar Suleiman

58. "The tahajjud prayer is a time to detach ourselves from the distractions of this world and to focus solely on our relationship with Allah and our purpose in life." - Sheikh Omar Abdelkafy

59. "The tahajjud prayer is a way to seek Allah's blessings and to ask for His help and support in all aspects of our lives, both spiritual and material." - Sheikh Navaid Aziz

60. "The tahajjud prayer is a reminder that we should never lose hope in Allah's mercy and forgiveness, and that we should always strive to do better and to be better." - Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda.

In conclusion, the tahajjud prayer is a special act of worship that offers immense spiritual benefits for Muslims. It is a time when we can connect with Allah in a more intimate way and seek His guidance and support. The inspiring quotes and teachings shared by Islamic scholars and thinkers about the tahajjud prayer serve as a source of motivation and inspiration for Muslims to make it a regular part of their worship routine. By performing this prayer, we can strengthen our faith, seek Allah's forgiveness and blessings, and improve our relationship with Him. Let us strive to make tahajjud a regular practice in our lives and reap the many spiritual benefits it has to offer. May Allah accept our prayers and guide us on the straight path.

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