loving you poems for him - deeply in love poems for him

loving you poems for him to tell him how much do you love him best poems for every one who are poems lovers one of the best poems on internet. amazing loving you poems for him, make him happy with these loving poems deeply in love poems for him ,sad loving poems for you to make your day love

Believe in yourself, all that's required to succeed and be happy is in you. Don't search like the musk deer, for what's in you.
Realize your story is not yet done a long way to go, learn from your pain apply the wisdom gained to the obstacles in your path.
Every action must come from free will and not coercion.
Pause every now and then to relax and enjoy the moment, even if only one step has been taken, but make sure it's in the right direction.
The obstacles in life are like potholes, on the highway, they keep you from sleeping at the wheel when your steering through difficult terrain in life.
Your belief, hard work, and wisdom gained will help in writing, a happy and contented story of life.





loving you in a new way "Rain And Love" 

Rain gutters down 
Her visage 
To do all naughtiness;
Touching her 
He winks at me 
To render a smug smile. 
Masquerading that 
I am a pluviophile, 
I drench myself 
In his flow 
To divert attention. 
As he plays smart, 
I cover her 
Under the roof 
Of my umbrella, 
Smugness ends, 
Ostentation ends. 
Eyes romance, 
Lips romance 
And love triumphs.




Did you deserve it in the first place!

Why then react like you earned it from 

God's hand?

Clothed with the gloom of condemnation

And consumed by the force of his anger.

Darkness was the favorable spot to chill,

Catching fun with sin.

But a brighter light than the sun scared the 

Coerceness of the darkness.

How much did you pay for this service offer?

You live in the light and sometimes drift into the dark,

Staying in that scene, you doubt His unfailing love.

It came while you were still a bastard mulling around

With no sense of destination.

What makes you think He will unlove you for swerving 

Into the dark, now that there is a crown of legitimacy on 

Your head.

Do you think you'll be cast out?

Oh, well we have heard that cry, an Old Testament saint said it well

"cast me not from your presence!"

You are in trouble for waking up late on the sound of the alarm.

His love reaches every quarter of your wretchedness, flowing

Down to every part of its marrow.

It's unlimited like the height of the earth to the sky.

In comprehending it, your heart will reiterate that old song, John Newton

Sang: amazing grace that rescues a wretch like me.

Though the journey to the celestial city is made of endless steps

His love will be my crutch to support me till there I be!

For not when perfection lived in 

you did He offered a handout,

But in ugliness, He came close.

He holds you deep within, and won't cast you far off Him.

 His love  His love, a note My chest 



loving you poem by:



I'm letting you go 

I knew that day would come.

I was Cinderella in a borrowed dress.

I played my dance with the prince who,

with his arm around my waist,

leads me to the rhythm of the music.

You are a prince from my dream fairy tale.

It was nice to hover guided by your hugs,

it was magical to be intoxicated by your kisses.

But when midnight strikes,

I knew the magic would disappear.

Can you be held back

by the blind love of my trembling heart?

I felt this was a dream

followed by a painful awakening.

You’ll leave

because you have someone to go back to.

I hope you know I'm letting you go.

It's your heart's choice,

mine chose you a long time ago.

Now that I know

what it’s like to be your princess,

it’s hard to get down to solid ground

from those clouds.


loving u poems by Selma Kopic


I'm Sorry poem for him 

You said I'm sorry for the ninth time.

I told you I never wanted to hear 

those words ever again in my entire life.

You said you won't do it again

But this is the ninth time, Baby.

All you did is breaking your promises.

And now you want me to believe you?

That this time your words are true.

What is the essence of forgiveness?

If mistakes are bound to be repeated.

Why do you keep on saying "I'm sorry?

If there's no intention to change wholeheartedly.

Make up your mind now.

If you ask for forgiveness...

If you tell me you won't repeat it...

Can you live up with your words now?

Can you keep your promises?

You see...

This is the last time, Baby.

There won't be another chance. 

So if you say "I'm sorry".

Make sure you mean it this time.


by: Rein Duria 


The graceful woman 


Love, the immortal God impersonates.

Makes pale and fragile maidens,

Inclined to yan and languish,

Alive with ethereal quickness,

And then learn to reveal their charm,

With beauty and grace.

In spring the bodiless love permeates,

The limbs of a maiden in the manifold ways,

Into the visionless eyes,

That is dulled by wine,

He puts a sparkle and  a softness;

He is the pallor of the cheeks,

He molds the slimness of the waist

It is love's beauty itself,

That shines through the loveliness of the maiden.

Gathering all her  charms  in the lines of her  body,

Love lends the youthful maid,

A touch of drowsy lassitude,

And a little lips to her speech,

As if tipsy with honey,

Graceful woman,

Imbued with the wayward indolence of youth,

Adorn again their fair breasts with sandal salve,

Mixed with, Jasmine, lotus, and saffron,

And the scent from the musk deer's naval.

On elegant maiden's face,

Shining like the lovely golden Lotus,

And adorned with the tracings of cosmetics,

Beads of sweat appear,

Like pearls that embrace,

The beauty of other gems.


The poem is written by Suresh Chandra Sarangi

and brought to you by quotepoetry.com


Poems for him “The Feeling” 

You seem distant
As if you
Live somewhere else
In a paradise
Where nature is
Growing in abundance
Waiting on the
Bridge of intention
The feeling present
What happens when
I join you?


a poem by Jasper Kesteloo 


Pain in pain. 

 Do you know who has a disease?
 He is unique in his diligence .. He is disadvantaged by him ..
 You have medicine in your hands
 Do not be stingy on his heart
 Goodness remains, and what is in it is air
 And myrrh from the hand of the generous Attia
 And sweet from the hand of a curmudgeon in vain
 Sip passion seasoning thirst
 And the heart will be more powerful
 A smile in the face of whoever was once
 For your face Dia
 If you land him
 You once had a sky
 Love runs through its orbits
 Like running horses in the desert
 And tears appear in his pupils
 Love, the enemies fell in love!
 Where is tranquility? The heart asks for it
 Or I thought it became in pieces
 Come on, fill in the land of heaven
 Perfume in the air
 If you ever felt hungry
 I enriched the rich with your love!
 Do not be stingy on the heart
 With a sip of love or a compliment
 Good words are the best value
 What a howling in the air!
 And always make the gap with a name
 And the echo of our love echoes
 And leave the heart on his drunkenness
 If it fulfills one day, beware of passions
 So please, please
 It arrived and good to meet!
 If I had a demand in the worlds
 My request is a good call
 I wish you had healed the heart
 Or from your love waving healing!
 I am looking for love over a chandelier
 It is not without the chandelier, please!


Poet dr
 Tariq Abdullah Musa || fb id: Tarek Mosa
 World Peace Ambassador 


Deep poems "Words" 

Don't you think words are magical?
It can move mountains and clear the sky 
Trigger chaos to a massive explosion
Or calm the ripples in your deep oceans.
Can words cut deep and break your spirit?
It could leave scars that take years to heal
Make you weak in one single sentence
Or strengthen your mind to move forward.
Can you use words for a higher purpose?
Warn someone you know who is careless
Cheer your friend who is painfully grieving
Or slowly melt an icy heart from freezing.
Do you believe words are powerful?
It could help you conquer your fears
Be brave enough to jump the highest cliff
Or swim the deepest part of the sea.
Never assume that only stick and stones
Can break your bones but words can't hit
Words could smash your happy disposition
And kill your wildest dreams in an instant.
Caution on choosing which word to spit
Mean words could break someone's spirit
Choose to promote positivity in your life
Heal a broken heart and feed others with love.




loving you poem 

love can never be concealed...
it becomes evident in the heart...
it doesn't speak from the mouth... 
the eyes start weeping....!!


loving you poem which is delivered by Sohail Khan

Our love has lit up the sky
With innumerable stars
That aligns so seamlessly 
Shining bright for each other
Guiding our path to a 
never-ending union



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